What is Sustainability?
Our goal is to achieve Sustainable Communities that provide robust learning opportunities, diverse employment opportunities, multi-generational living arrangements, and a happy, healthy and sustainable island for all to visit, to live and to enjoy. The guiding principles of caring, respect, sharing, collaborating, communicating and welcoming all, is utilized in all of Grove Farm’s endeavors. There are six sustainability focuses that together with the land and its resources will lead to Sustainable Communities.
Is Kaua‘i Sustainable?

In the Past
Sugar and pineapple plantations brought in labor from all parts of the world to our island state. As the population grew, it necessitated the need for housing, commerce, education, and other developments. Today, our islands’ basic needs are no different from ancient Hawai‘i, where farming and gathering are still paramount to our existence.

Where We Are Now
In building a more sustainable Kaua’i, Grove Farm has partnered with KIUC, Tesla, and Global Algae Innovations to advance the production of clean and renewable energy to meet the State of Hawaii’s goal of 100% renewable power by the year 2045.

The Ideal Future
In addition to managing agricultural land licensing, Grove Farm has diversified into residential, industrial and commercial land development. Grove Farm’s vision is to promote healthy lifestyles by developing communities, such as the future Wailani, which follow Smart Growth principles – walkable communities that encourage mixed-use, multi-generational living, cultural gathering areas, music, and sports – all components of supporting a holistic approach to well-being.

Grove Farm's Sustainability Initiatives
Grove Farm's vision is to build a sustainable Kaua'i by being a leader in social entrepreneurship and island-enhancing activities while remaining deeply committed to preserving the island's cultural and historical linkages - whether it be through the preservation of historic sites, promoting alternative energy sources, supporting agriculture and food production, education and propagation of plants, encouraging a healthy lifestyle or protecting water sources.

Sustainable Energy
Reducing our reliance on fossil fuel through clean and reliable sources of energy. Grove Farm’s lands support solar, biomass and hydroelectric power. We encourage and support research and development in pioneering approaches to energy self-reliance.
Energy Initiatives
- Tesla Solar Farm and PV Storage
- Kōloa Solar Farm
Find out more about what Grove Farm is doing to improve sustainable Energy for the Kaua‘i community
Sustainable EnergySustainable Water
Understanding how water plays a key role in all of the disciplines and doing our utmost to protect and conserve this valued resource entrusted in our care.
Water Initiatives
- Waiahi Surface Water Treatment Plant
- Water Infrastructure
- Wells
Find out more about what Grove Farm is doing to improve sustainable water for the Kaua‘i community
Sustainable WaterSustainable Food
Supporting and encouraging our agricultural industry – supporting farmers who provide fresh, nutritious produce and increasing food security. Utilize our 12,500 acres of Important Agricultural Lands to feed Kaua‘i.
Sustainable Food Initiatives
- Agricultural Leases - Farm Land/Ranch Land
- Important Agricultural Lands Dedication
Find out more about what Grove Farm is doing to improve sustainable food for the Kaua‘i community
Sustainable FoodSustainable Species
Kaua‘i has the most endangered bird species in the world. The ideal climate and predator-free environment must be preserved. We understand the importance of educating our keiki about native species preservation and invasive species.
Species Initiatives
- Nene Habitat
- Maile Restoration
Find out more about what Grove Farm is doing to improve sustainable species for the Kaua‘i community
Sustainable SpeciesSustainable Health
Promoting a healthy lifestyle by developing communities that follow Smart Growth principles – walkable communities, encouraging mixed-use, cultural gathering areas, music and sports.
Health Initiatives
- Grove Farm Puhi Park
- Waikomo Park
Find out more about what Grove Farm is doing to improve sustainable health for the Kaua‘i community
Sustainable HealthSustainable Historic Sites
Preserving and sharing the rich cultural sites and practices of our past, and encouraging learning to perpetuate the history, culture, legends, stories and music of Kaua‘i.
Historic Sites Initiatives
- Makauwahi Cave Reserve
- 'Iliahi Estate
Find out more about what Grove Farm is doing to improve sustainable historic sites for the Kaua‘i community
Sustainable Historic SitesBuilding a Sustainable Kaua‘i
Grove Farm continues its focus on residential development with the island’s residents in mind. These communities naturally grew around areas with convenient access to commerce, civic centers, schools and facilities that make a community a community. Take, for example, the community of Kōloa. Grove Farm developed over 245 lots – many which were focused on its employees -- which included Waikomo and Kōloa Block. Our future development of Waihohonu will also be located near the town core to allow for walkability to the markets, school, post office, stores, banks, churches, and other amenities you would find in a community.
Wailani Sustainable Community
The future Wailani development -- near the airport and the State Judiciary Complex -- will be a mixed-use community with a range of housing choices near schools, retail establishments, restaurants, offices, healthcare, civic centers, recreational activities and other amenities that support and enrich your everyday living. Our goal is to create a true live-work-play development suitable for all generations.
Sustainable Communities