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Grove Farm Scholar

Leonila Fulgencio

2021 Grove Farm Scholar

Leonila Fulgencio

San Diego State University

What motto best describes your outlook on life?

Nothing worth having comes easy.

What has being awarded the Grove Farm Scholarship meant to you?

Being awarded the Grove Farm scholarship is a huge accomplishment and honor to me. It serves as a powerful reminder to persevere through challenges, knowing that a supportive group of leaders believe in my potential to make the world a better place. I’m deeply grateful to those who saw value in me and I’m committed to giving back to my community in appreciation of their faith and support.

What have you learned about yourself while you’ve been away? What did you miss the most?

In simple terms, I miss the way of life at home the most when I’m away. The simplicity and slow pace of life here allows for a deeper appreciation of our surroundings. The kindness and the genuine sense of aloha and love found in this community are irreplaceable and can’t be found anywhere else.

What drives you?

My family is what drives me the most. The sacrifices and struggles of my parents, their parents, and everyone who came before them inspire me to live with a purpose and not to settle for anything less. My desire to be a better version of myself everyday, to be selfless and to spread kindness just as they did, and to fight for myself and my beliefs is a tribute to their legacy and a commitment to the generations ahead of me.

What gives you hope for the future?

Seeing the good deeds and intentions behind the most simplest interactions in everyday life gives me hope for the future. Just as there’s a lot of bad in this world, there is a lot of good in this world as well. All it takes is one good action to help in making the world a better place.