Lauryn Flemming

Lauryn Flemming
The University of Missouri
Pharmacy / Biological Science
What motto best describes your outlook on life?
A motto for me would be “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
What has being awarded the Grove Farm Scholarship meant to you?
This scholarship has opened doors for my future by allowing me to pursue an education at an institution that recognizes me as an individual. I can focus on my academics without having to worry about student debt, which motivates me to work even harder to pursue my doctorate degree in pharmacy.
What have you learned about yourself while you’ve been away?
I’ve learned not to be so hard on myself, but mostly I’ve learned how to live independently and really focus on my goals and motivations without any outside influences.
What drives you?
I am driven by a passion for learning, a desire for success, and the love I have for my dogs.
What gives you hope for the future?
People who are kind-hearted and accepting of all people give me hope for the future. I strive to live in a world where people are compassionate and understanding.