Haley Zina

Haley Zina
Oregon Institute of Technology
Medical Imaging Technology
What has being awarded the Grove Farm Scholarship meant to you?
Be humble, stay hungry" best describes my outlook on life. It reminds me to stay grounded and never take anything for granted, while also maintaining a strong drive to achieve more and learn more.
What have you learned about yourself while you’ve been away?
Receiving the Grove Farm Scholarship has been a significant milestone in my academic journey, allowing me to better explore the next chapter of my life. This scholarship has given me the confidence to pursue my goals with greater determination, knowing that a substantial community like Grove Farm believes in my future. It’s an honor that inspires me to work even harder, not just for myself but also to contribute back to the community that has invested so much in me.
Being away from home to pursue a higher education has been a transformative experience. I’ve gained more independence and I’ve discovered my ability to adapt and succeed in environments that are quite different from what I’m used to. What I miss the most is the warmth and sense of community that comes with living in Hawaii. The close-knit connections, the familiar landscapes, and the comforting presence of my family and friends are irreplaceable. I am more grateful for those aspects of my life and have strengthened my resolve to stay connected with my roots while embracing new opportunities.
What drives you?
My drive comes from the people I love. The sacrifices and unwavering support of my family have been a constant source of inspiration to me. Their dedication to me fuels my ambition to dream big and make the most of the opportunities they have helped provide for me. My goal is to always make them proud with everything I do.
What gives you hope for the future?
The future is inherently unpredictable, and change is a constant. However, even if it is unpredictable, what we can control is what we do today. What gives me hope for the future is the support and belief from communities like Grove Farm that invest in the youth of today. My experiences working with nonprofits like the Boys and Girls Club of Hawaii and other various organizations give me confidence in knowing that there are individuals dedicated every day to nurturing and empowering the next generation.