Braden Kobayashi

Braden Kobayashi
Creighton University
Biology - Pre-Med Track
What motto best describes your outlook on life?
“Deeds not Words”
The motto of the Waimea High School JROTC program has taught me that my actions speak louder than words. It is not about what you say it is about what you do that makes a difference and an impact.
What has being awarded the Grove Farm Scholarship meant to you?
Having been awarded the Grove Farm Scholarship, has provided me with the opportunity to further my education. It is allowing me to better myself and purse a career in medicine, while helping my parents pay of the expenses of college tuition.
What have you learned about yourself while you’ve been away?
Something that I learn about myself while I have been away is, home will always be there. No matter how far away you travel you can always return home and know that it will welcome you with open arms, and that your family will support you in anything you choose to do.
What drives you?
My family and those that supported and continue to support me in journey is what drives me. I want to make them proud and let them know that what we have all worked for is not going to waste.
What gives you hope for the future?
Grove Farm Company and the Staff provide me hope for the future. They are doing so through the Grove Farm Scholarship, which provides students, past, present and future with the opportunity to further our education and return to Kauaʻi to make a better place. Their efforts to build a more sustainable Kauaʻi, through renewable energy, water treatment and other projects also give me hope for the future. Knowing that there are others also committed to improving Kauaʻi to make it a better place for everyone gives me hope for the future.