Grove Farm Newsletter - June 2022 Edition

Celebrating Back-to-Back National Champions & Kaua‘i’s Hālau Ka Lei Mokihana O Leinā‘ala
Last year, when the UH Men’s Volleyball team won the National Championship, Grove Farm President and CEO Warren Haruki gathered corporate sponsors to bring the team to Kaua‘i to celebrate their achievement. A check was presented for $20,210 — the year of the Championship — and in the memo he wrote, “Hana Hou!” And “one more time!” they did, in 2022! Again, our generous corporate sponsors contributed to a fun Saturday in Puhi Park where fans were able to meet and get autographs of the Back-to-Back champions. This year a check for $22,222 was presented to Coach Wade — and dare we say it — with “3-Peat!” written in the memo.

The celebration was graced with the presence of the beautiful ladies of Hālau Ka Lei Mokihana O Leinā‘ala. It was a proud moment for Kaua‘i, as we watched in anticipation when these amazing young women brought home first place titles in the Wahine ‘Auana, Wahine Kahiko, and Wahine Overall categories at the 2022 Merrie Monarch Festival. They brought home the coveted Merrie Monarch Lokalia Montgomery Overall Award which was displayed for all the fans to see. As they always do, the women looked stunning in their beautiful attire and honored everyone with a beautiful hula.

Fans of the UH Men’s Volleyball Champions and the award winning Hālau joined in a fun game of Jan Ken Po to win prizes from University of Hawai‘i Athletics and received gifts from our generous corporate donors.
This event was made possible due to the support of many corporate and individual sponsors, including: Akinaka & Associates, Ltd., Alexander & Baldwin, American Savings Bank, Aqua Engineers, Bank of Hawai‘i, Bowers & Kubota, Case Lombardi & Pettit, CPB Foundation, Diamond Head Seafood Wholesales, Inc., D.R. Horton, First Hawaiian Bank, Gather Federal Credit Union, Grove Farm Foundation, Hawai‘i Dental Service, Hawaiian Airlines, Hawaiian Financial Federal Credit Union, Hawaiian Telcom, HPM Building Supply, Island Energy Services – Texaco, Island Insurance, Jeff & Kimberly Case/AON, Kaua‘i Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Inc., Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative – KIUC, Kaua‘i Realty, Inc., Kaua‘i ATV, Kaua‘i Backcountry Adventures, Kekaha Agriculture Association, Kodani & Associates Engineers, LLC, Meridian Pacific, Pacific Guardian Life, Servco Pacific, Inc., Shioi Construction, Inc., Somers West, Star-Advertiser – The Garden Island Newspaper, Wilcox Health – Hawai‘i Pacific Health, and Zephyr Insurance Company, Inc.

Coach Wade and Kumu Leinā‘ala Pavao-Jardin graciously thanked the people of Kaua‘i for their support. In return, we congratulate you, Coach Wade and Kumu Leinā‘ala on your amazing achievements, and we wish these young men and women journeys filled with more memorable accomplishments.
Craft Fair – This Saturday
Mark your calendars for the June 4 Craft Fair at the Grove Farm Park in Puhi. Alongside our regular Grove Farm Market, Kaua‘i’s crafters and entrepreneurs will be showcasing their locally-made products. The market opens at 9:30 a.m. Come and join us! Take a look at some of Kaua‘i’s finest crafters and artisan products. Click to view a parking map.