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Grove Farm News

A Man of Many Talents: Meet Russell Fu

There are many miles of roads, fencing and landscaping across the lands that Grove Farm maintains and cares for on Kaua‘i. Maintaining vital infrastructure and the terrain is an important part of our kuleana to ensure access, safety and stewardship of natural resources.

Meet Russell Fu, a man of many talents, boundless energy, and a commitment to do what is right. From road maintenance, fencing, and landscape maintenance to “macgyvering” any repair and supporting the setup for events he does it all! Grove Farm is fortunate and grateful to have an upstanding person like Russell helping to manage our 37,000 acres.

In his spare time, Russell also tends a growing herd of sheep, maintains the Kapaia Watershed Preserve, and manages a grove of about 400 ‘ulu trees. He is looking forward to producing a value-added product with his first ‘ulu harvest.

Russell hires and trains young adults who are not afraid of hard work and show a willingness to learn. It’s heartwarming to hear in his words that “the goal is for the kids, the next generation.” Russell’s love for what he does is truly inspiring. Mahalo, Russell, for all that you do for our community and for Grove Farm!

Check out his video here!