Supporting Local Agriculture
To celebrate and support local artists and entrepreneurs, craft fairs will be held on the first Saturday of all even months. Craft Fair vendors will set up alongside the Grove Farm Market on the far side of the Puhi Park field. Various locally-made products will be showcased at each event, highlighting the talents and creativity of the people of Kaua‘i.
Market Hours:
Saturdays 9:30 a.m. until supplies last
Visit the Market
Due to the construction of the Kikowaena sewer line, additional parking will be located in the park. Please enter through the new gate on Leleiona Street.

4411 Kikowaena St
Lihue, HI 96746
Parking is available around the entire perimeter of the park with handicap parking off Kikowaena Street.
Become a Vendor
Applications and Vendor Rules
Interested vendors should fill out a Vendor Application Form. Completed applications may be emailed to Marleen Duarte at or mailed/dropped off to the Grove Farm Office at 3-1850 Kaumuali‘i Hwy, Lihue, HI 96766.
Your application will be reviewed by our market committee, and we will let you know whether you are approved to sell. The submission of an application serves as your agreement to abide by the Grove Farm Market Rules.
Grove Farm Market Application and Rules
Only registered vendors are allowed to sell and display products, and vendors are only permitted to sell approved items noted on their application. As an authentic local farmers’ market, only produce grown on Kaua’i is permitted to be sold. Produce purchased from wholesalers, Costco, or other retailers is strictly prohibited. Please notify a Grove Farm representative of known violations – we need everyone to alert us of possible violations.
Market fees are based on two factors – 1) the category of products being sold, and 2) as the size of your setup space. Fees are due on or before the 1st Saturday of each month, are non-refundable, and do not carry over if you miss a Saturday. We do not accept debit/credit card payments and are unable to accept payments on-site at the market. Cash and check payments may be made in-person at the Grove Farm office. For your convenience, there is also an after-hours drop box at the office for check and money order payments. Please do not place cash payments in the drop box.
Category | Set Up Space | Fee |
Farmers | ||
| 10' x 10' 10' X 20' | $130 per month $175 per month |
Fish Vendors | ||
| 10' x 10' | $175 per month |
Value-Add Vendors | ||
| 10' x 10'
10' x 20' | $175 per month |
Prepared Food Vendors | ||
| 10' x 20' | $325 per month |
Vendors who do not pay by the 1st Saturday of the month will be assessed a $40 late fee for the month and will not be permitted to sell until payment is made.
Each vendor who sells food items are required to obtain a Special Event Permit from the Department of Health (DOH). Both a copy of your application listing the items covered by the permit and a copy of your actual DOH permit must be submitted at least one week prior to selling and must always be renewed in order to continue selling.
Vendors need to also provide a certificate of insurance showing proof of general liability insurance for at least $1 million naming Grove Farm Company, Inc. as additionally insured.
Grove Farm Company, Inc.
3-1850 Kaumuali’i Hwy
Lihue, HI 96766
Each vendor is permitted to drive and park one vehicle in the park. Vendors are to provide their own tents, tables, chairs, trash receptacles and any other supplies needed. Tents must be set up according to the market setup instructions and tent areas are to be kept clean.
Vendors must provide advance notice no later than the Friday before by 8 a.m. if they will not attend by emailing Excessive uncommunicated and/or late notifications of absences may result in relocation or forfeiture of their space.
Vendors must enter and exit through the Kikowaena Street gate which will be open no later than 8:30 a.m. For safety purposes, vendors arriving after 9:15 a.m. will not be allowed to drive into the park. The gate will be locked promptly at 1:00 p.m. and anyone who remains in the park past the 1:00 p.m. lock time will be subject to a $50 charge for the additional time staff is required to await their departure.
A horn will sound at 9:30 a.m. to signal the opening of the market. Vendors are not to sell prior to market opening. There is specific market close time. Some vendors will stop after they sell out all products. However, all vendors must be packed up and out no later than 1:00 p.m.
Portable toilets are located under the tree behind Harley Davidson and next to the Puhi Rd Gate. The toilets will be open during market hours for everyone’s use.
If you are sick and/or do not feel well, you should NOT attend or sell at the market.
Grove Farm employees will be on site each week and have complete authority to monitor, interpret, and implement market rules.
Each vendor shall indemnify, defend, and hold and save Grove Farm and their respective officers, directors, agents and employees (together, the “Indemnified Parties”), harmless from all claims, suits, demands, debts, undertakings or proceedings of any kind or nature, whether meritorious or frivolous, in any way arising out of the Vendor’s use the space, including liability caused in whole or in part by the Indemnified Parties. Each vendor shall, at its own expense, appear, defend and pay all attorneys’ fees and all costs and other expenses arising therefrom or incurred in connection therewith; and, if any judgment shall be rendered against the Indemnified Parties in any such action, Vendor shall, at its own expense, satisfy and discharge same. Violations of any of the rules noted above may result in forfeiture of your space at the market.
Craft Fairs
To celebrate and support local artists and entrepreneurs, craft fairs will be held on the first Saturday of all even months. Craft Fair vendors will set up alongside the Grove Farm Market on the far side of the Puhi Park field. Various locally-made products will be showcased at each event, highlighting the talents and creativity of the people of Kaua‘i.
Become a Vendor
Applications and Vendor Rules:
Interested vendors should fill out a Vendor Application Form. Completed applications may be emailed to Marleen Duarte at or mailed/dropped off to the Grove Farm Office at 3-1850 Kaumuali‘i Hwy, Lihue, HI 96766.
Your application will be reviewed by our market committee, and we will let you know whether you are approved to sell about 3 weeks prior to each event. The submission of an application serves as your agreement to abide by the Craft Fair Rules.
Craft Fair Application and Rules
Vendor Requirements:
- General Liability Insurance for at least $1 million naming Grove Farm as additionally insured.
- (As Applicable) Special Event Permit from the Department of Health covering all food products
$30 per tent space
Payments and insurance will be due one week prior to the event after which Vendor Spots will be assigned.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the Market accept credit/debit cards?
Certain vendors may accept credit/debit cards; however, all vendors accept US Dollars.
Does your market accept SNAP payments?
No. At this time, our market is not equipped to accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) payments.
Are pets allowed at the market?
Yes. Pets and service animals are allowed at the market; however, we ask that owners abide by the following rules:
- Pets must be kept on a short leash.
- Pets must be under control and by the owner’s side at all times.
- Keep pets away from produce, plants, and other food products.
- Pets must be friendly with others animals and children
- Be considerate—not everyone loves pets and some customers are allergic to animals.
- Please remember to clean up after your pet!
Market management reserves the right to request that owners remove pets from the market.
Get To Know Your Vendors
![]() Sakda Meephol
Visit Sakda and Usa Meephol for fresh seasonal fruits grown in Koloa and Mahaulepu. Sakda also farms in central Kauai and has a bountiful of fresh vegetables. This hardworking couple possess the heart and soul of a farmer. Read their story here. | ![]() Elmer Viernes
See a long line of customers – six feet apart – waiting to see Elmer and Ailyn? Here’s the reason! You will always find the freshest okra, bittermelon, eggplant, squash, pumpkin, cabatete, wingbeans, and even jicama, along with an assortment of seasonal fruit. Read Elmer’s story here. | ![]() Wirat Yothachai
Wirat Yothachai has been farming on Grove Farm lands in Lihue since 2012. Along side his wife, Noi, and their children, they have devoted their heart and soul to farming. Wirat offers a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit, including mixed greens, kale, carrots, parsley, basil, bok choi, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, citrus, pineapple, and so much more! |
![]() Suthat "Dang" PromnonsriUp before dawn and working to 10 or 11 o’clock at night, “Dang” and “Peet” Promnosri are hardworking farmers who will always greet you with a warm and enthusiastic smile. They have an assortment of fresh picked Thai papayas, cucumers, lemons, pineapple, mixed salad greens, kale -- just about everything you need! Read about Dang and Peet here. | ![]() Dean and Nicol NonakaDean and Nicol Nonaka are 3rd generation farmers from Hanapēpē Valley. The Nonaka Farm has been operating since 1925 -- originally farming rice, cattle, and hogs. Now they cultivate cabbage, green onions, kale, daikon, radish, bok choi, sweet peppers, bananas, and eggplant. On occasion, they sell fresh fish and ornamental sunflowers. | ![]() Mike and Elsie GreggThinking of starting starting a garden or adding to your landscape? See Mike and Elsie Gregg of Kaapuni Nursery from Kapahi – selling a variety of starter herbs and vegetables. |
![]() Leonida EdnilaoLeonida Ednilao has been raising tropical flowers and papaya with her husband for over 40 years. They farm on eight acres of Grove Farm Lihuʻe lands -- dedicating 4 acres to fruit and 4 acres to tropical flowers. | ![]() Brydan BlackstadBrydan has been a commercial fisherman for over 15 years after his career with Aloha Airlines came to an end. He bought his first boat in high school and has upgraded throughout the years as his family grew. A family affair -- as Brydan, his wife Janna, and children -- Brock and Jordyn -- sell akule, menpachi, papio, and uku. | ![]() Adam and Christine CoyasoAdam has been harvesting young and old coconuts around the island for about 10 years. You choose if you want to spoon out the meat yourself, or just drink the nutritious water – Adam will cut it right in front of you. Christine also bakes vegan and gluten free mochi donuts for an added tasty treat. |
![]() Taworn PanyameeThe Panyamee family has been farming for the last six years on Kauaʻi. Taworn spends most of his day at the farm, while his wife Preeda and daughter Beny sell the produce at markets around the island. They sell a variety of fruits and vegetables and delicious banana chips! | ![]() Ursa SwiftUrsa is the owner of Midnight Bear Breads in Hanapēpē Town. She grew up in Vermont, where she learned the art of European-style breads. They have been selling breads and croissants for nine years. Popular items include multi-grain sourdough, French sourdough, mac nut cinnamon rolls, and rosemary sea salt baquettes. You may also preorder breads for pick-up by calling (808) 335-2893 | ![]() Robin Fisher and Jenn SchadRobin Fisher is the “Mother of Bees” and runs Kauaʻi Nectar Co. Jenn Schad helps sell Kauaʻi Nectar Co.’s as the “Honey Hustler.” They sell high-quality honey, bee pollen, and spreadable honey infused with a variety of flavors. They have seven apiaries from Princeville to Kalāheo. |
![]() Sawaeng See AkkhahadSawaeng and his wife will greet you with the warmest smiles. A farmer from Thailand, Sawaeng left his home to work on an Oahu farm in 2004. He found his way to Kaua’i in 2010 and now has his own farm in the Lihu’e farmlands. Visit Sawaeng to see his bountiful offering of vegetables. | ![]() Bob YasakaSupphasit “Bob” Yasaka worked on his family’s rice and chili pepper farm in Thailand. In 2005, he came to work for Kauai Coffee. Bob started his own farm in 2012 in Grove Farm’s Lihuʻe lands and offers banana, papaya, tomato, cucumber, eggplant, basil, lettuce, pumpkin, squash, onion, cilantro and bok choy. | ![]() Bunlai SaengmaThe Saengma family has been farming in the Lihuʻe farmlands for three years. When Bunlai is busy on the farm, his wife Teerarat, along with his son Nathan and daughter Lemon sell their cilantro, green onions, mint, romaine lettuce, carrots, bok choy, kale, avocado, banana, cucumbers, and oranges. |
![]() Paul and Jude HuberPaul Huber and wife, Jude, started Hole in the Mountain Farm in Moloaʻa and have been growing KauaʻiSugarloaf Pineapple for over 20 years. They have about 380,000 plants and ship their pineapples worldwide. They also sell Paulie’s Pineapple Phrosties, a frozen soft-serve made from 100% Kauaʻi Sugarloaf Pineapple. | ![]() Weerapon PhokeeLike many of the farmers, Weerapon puts in long, backbreaking hours tending to his farm on Grove Farm lands. Fortunately, his wife Aulaiporn and son Teerapon are at his side to help him sell the fruits of his labor at Puhi Park Produce. We would like to extend our congratulations to Teerapon who is a senior at Kauai High School and will attend the Kaua’i Community College. | ![]() Sakda "Pat" ThaksinSakda or “Pat” as he’s called, has been farming in the Lihuʻe farm lands for the last ten years. A rice farmer in Thailand, Pat orginally worked on a farm on Oʻahu. He sells coconuts, bananas, papayas, oranges, lemons, lime, salad greens, green onions, cilantro, basil, long beans, okra, carrots, beets, and bok choi. |
![]() Watchara MeepholWatchara Meephol is the older brother of Sakda. They grew up farmers in Thailand and came to Hawaiʻi to work on commercial farms on Oʻahu. Moving to Kauaʻi to join his brother Sakda, Watchara has been farming in Lihu’e farm lands since 2007. Watchara and Chanida grow a wide assortment of vegetables and fruits. | ![]() Somphong "Pong" JanphetOriginally from Northeast Thailand, Pong came to Hawaii in 2004 to work on Oahu farms. He eventually relocated to Kaua’i, where he has his own farm on Grove Farm lands in Lihue. Visit Pong’s booth to see his abundant assortment of vegetables and fruits – and beautiful cauliflower! | ![]() Phaisan NgamdeePhaisan was a rice farmer in his home town in Thailand as well as a carpenter in Bangkok. He moved to Hawaii to work on Oahu farms, and eventually found his way to Kauai where he farms in Lihu’e. You will be impressed by his wide array of fresh produce grown by a one-man operation. |